Tim And Rebecca Pope

tim and rebecca pope

About Us

Tim is 51 years old and Rebecca is 48 years old — they are husband and wife.

Based in Cross In Hand, East Sussex.

Joined World Options as franchisees in 2019.


Tell Us A Little Bit About Yourself

Tim: I come from a sales background having worked in industries like brewing, payment solutions and blue chip companies such as Philips, Vodafone and Nike.

Rebecca: I came from a marketing background having worked in the food and beverage industries.

What Attracted You To Becoming A Franchisee?

Rebecca: We looked at various franchise businesses and industries but felt the shipping and logistics industry had experienced such growth in the past few years and there was strong evidence to suggest that growth was going to continue. So we chose World Options to secure a good franchise not only for now but also for the future.

Something else that also drew us to this type of courier franchise model was the potential for residual revenues from customers without having to make a sale every time.  

Other factors included the flexibility it provides, working from anywhere as long as you have your laptop and phone.

Tim: We own a property in the Canary Islands in Spain and this allows us to spend extended periods of time there and still be able to work the franchise. 

We were also impressed by the team at World Options head office and appreciated the open and honest approach to what the franchise could potentially offer us. 

What Training And Support Did You Receive Initially And Ongoing?

Rebecca: Myself, Tim and our son Joe have all been to the World Options head offices in Clayton-Le Moors and attended the 5-day new franchise training from Training Director Richard Ormerod, which was very thorough and helpful.

Tim: On an ongoing basis, we make sure we participate in the carrier and franchise update Zoom calls and use the training material held in the Microsoft Sharepoint Vault, as and when we need anything.

What Are The Benefits Of Working As A Franchisee?

Rebecca: We have a family member in a care home and having the flexibility to take time out to make visits or deal with issues is a huge benefit that we simply wouldn’t get working for someone else. 

Tim: Also being able to work from home and employing our children Joe and Kayley in the business has been wonderful.

What Challenges Have You Faced?

Rebecca: I come from a marketing background and Tim came from sales, but in very different industries. We had a lot of learning to do having no experience in the shipping business but have always found the support from Head office a great help and there is always someone who can help answer any questions we, or our customers have.

What Advice Would You Give To Others Considering Becoming A Franchisee?

Tim: Be prepared for some setbacks. Have enough cash to cover you financially for at least a year. Put in the hours and the work and you will soon reap the rewards of a successful franchise business.

time and rebecca pope case study

Are you our next big success story?

Take matters into your own hands and request a call with Franchise Director Howard McCormick today!


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