Interview With Franchisees Matthew Wiid and Jessica Skews

jessica skews and matthew wiid profile

WO: Tell us about yourselves?

MW & JS: We are both originally from South Africa and moved to the UK recently. Matthew studied for a BCom Strategic Management at University, and since leaving he has worked in the transport industry in South Africa, before working as a Transport Manager at a big manufacturing company in the UK. He left his job as a Transport Manager to open a coffee shop with his parents in 2021, which he runs part-time.

I studied for a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy in South Africa and worked there before moving over to the UK and working for the NHS. In 2021 we both decided we wanted to leave our full-time jobs and do something of our own, as well as the coffee shop.

WO: How did you learn about the franchise opportunities that World Options offers?

MW & JS: We came across the opportunity through research and then were able to have several meetings with Howard and phone calls with some of the other World Options franchisees which helped convince us.

matthew wiid and jessica skews train

WO: What was it that attracted you to want to buy a World Options franchise?

MW & JS: We were both looking to start something that we could potentially run from any location in the world, giving us plenty of flexibility. As well as flexibility, it was important that we were looking into opportunities with growth potential and an industry that was not dampened by the pandemic. Shipping made perfect sense because if anything shipping became even more popular during the pandemic!

WO: How did you find the process of purchasing a World Options franchise to be like?

MW & JS: It was a smooth process! World Options was very helpful in answering all our questions.

WO: What can we expect to see from your franchise in the coming months?

MW & JS: We are focused on getting more customers on board, as well as learning how to support our customers using the integration features.

matthew wiid and jessica skews bedroom

WO: Do you have any advice for someone looking to buy a World Options Franchise?

MW & JS: Our biggest piece of advice for anyone looking to purchase a World Options Franchise is to invest in third-party sales training if they do not have sales experience. After struggling for months, we invested in one at the beginning of 2022 and it has really turned things around for us.

WO: What is your favourite holiday?

MW & JS: We both love a skiing holiday!

WO: Hobbies?

MW & JS: We are both training for a half marathon at the end of the year, and we love spending time with our dogs.

WO: Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?

MW & JS: Jess — My dad has been the most influential person in my life. He has taught me about resilience when faced with tough times, and that there is no better feeling than achieving your goals.

Matthew — My grandad has been the most influential person in my life. He taught me that patience and hard work pays off.

matthew wiid and jessica skews south africa

Interview With Billing And Accounts Manager Gill Murray


Interview With Franchisees Nick Daley and Mick Sherlock