Interview With Franchise Training Director Richard Ormerod

WO: Tell us about yourself?

RO: I’ve worked with World Options in various roles since 2011, starting in Sales and Customer Services, to owning my own franchise in 2013, being brought back in to head up Franchise Support and then being promoted to Franchise Training Director in 2018.

I have a background in sales, studied law at university as well as holding a Master’s Degree in IT and Data Communications. My wife and I have two children (aged 9 and 3) and two dogs (a black Labrador called Poppy and a French Bulldog called Bruno, but we don’t talk about him ☺)

WO: What is your role and duties at World Options?

RO: My main responsibilities include the initial franchise training, ongoing support, and managing training materials in both Litmos and the SharePoint Operations Manual. That said, I am often asked to be involved in other projects where my expertise has been identified as a suitable source of knowledge or information that can aid the success of the project within the expected timeframe.

WO: What changes have you seen at World Options since joining in 2011?

RO: How long have you got!

There are far too many changes for me to list, but by far my favourite change is seeing the growth of the Franchisees we have in our Network. As Training Director, I feel a great sense of pride in seeing our franchisees achieve their goals and reach the ambitions that made them join World Options in the first place.

Hearing about that new car, that new house, or that trip of a lifetime that has been made possible by having a World Options franchise These are the things that make working with World Options a pleasure.

WO: Can you provide more information about the training and development department's plans for 2023?

RO: Following the success of the migration over to SharePoint, I want to ensure we continue to build on this foundation and for it to become an essential and informative resource for our franchise partners. We have already begun our work on a new version of the franchise Training Manual, which will help to tie Litmos and SharePoint together.

I also want to work with franchisees to focus on learning and development and encourage greater usage of the online training materials we have in our Learning Management System (Litmos)

WO: How can new franchisees get the most out of their initial 4-day training, and how can existing franchisees take advantage of the help and assistance that World Options provides?

RO: It is very easy to see which of the new Franchisees have spent time before the initial training reviewing the training videos we have in Litmos. In doing so, they have a solid base of knowledge before training with which to then apply the sales process, and things begin to “click” much quicker.

Each and every member of staff at the World Options Head Office is dedicated to the support of our franchisees, both new and existing. We will do whatever we can to preemptively make sure the tools and knowledge are provided to everyone, but if you are ever unsure about any particular topic, all you need to do is ask.

WO: Where do you see the trajectory going for World Options and the industry in general in the coming years?

RO: The obvious answer to this is “up” right? The logistics industry is an ever-changing and evolving behemoth. It is important for us to keep up with these changes but, more importantly, adapt to them to identify the opportunities that they present for us

WO: Do you have any advice or tips you would like to share with franchisees?

RO: I have recently coined a new catchphrase when being asked a question,

“there’s a video for that”,

And I have been told I need to have it printed on a t-shirt! So my advice to Franchisees is to regularly check in on Litmos to see what new videos have been added. From a sales and growth perspective, keep your foot on the gas.

Sales is a numbers game, and the more calls you make, the more people you speak with, the more opportunities you will find to close. Work hard now to put in the graft and build your business for the future.

Remember to K.I.S.S. your clients: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Don’t over-complicate the sale; instead, focus on the challenges your prospects are facing and how World Options can solve them.

WO: What is your favourite holiday?

RO: Easy. New York City with the wife.

WO: What are your hobbies?

RO: Other than work, my main hobby is amateur theatre. This year, my wife and I performed in a production of Legally Blonde with a local theatre group, which was amazing fun.

WO: Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?

RO: I’ve learned a lot from my father over the years, both professionally and personally, but it’s my wife that takes the top spot. Her drive and dedication to our family and to her work are beyond admirable, and she motivates me to be better each and every day.


Meet Our Head Office Team


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Interview With Franchisee Simon Douglas