Interview With Franchisee John Davis

WO: John, tell us about yourself?

JD: I have been in sales for around 20 years. My first role was in the UPVC game, door-to-door canvassing. I only initially joined as a stop-gap, but after ten years, I was still doing it. The industry just grows on you. I then became a branch manager; I learned a lot in that industry, which created an excellent foundation for me in sales.  

It was a self-employed commission-only role, so you got what you were worth. I liked it; you paid yourself what you thought you were worth and set out to get it Monday morning.

After leaving the double-glazing industry, I became a field sales rep/BDM for an office supplies company. This company was in over twenty-eight countries. I have always wanted to immigrate, so this company had the perfect platform. Having done well at the company, I applied for a company transfer to Canada, which was excepted. After being in Canada for two years, my family and I returned to the UK.  

My family and I had a brilliant time in Canada. Personally, with myself being able to sell just as well as I did in the UK, I felt tremendous pride and accomplishment to be able to adapt my skills in a foreign climate.

Especially when the Canadians needed help understanding a broad Yorkshire accent like mine, you did not just have to have sales skills. Still, you had to change your speech pattern and adapt your selling style because we English people talk too fast for most Canadians to understand us.

world options franchisee john davis and family

WO: What was it that attracted you to wanting to buy a World Options franchise?

JD: I have always wanted to go out on my own in business, so when I applied to World Options initially as a sales rep, I saw that they were a franchise network.

This excited me. I interviewed as an employee to start the process and became a sales rep, I didn’t have any freight or carriage background, but James Edwards saw something in me and allowed me to show what I could do. The first week I started and got around other franchisees, I knew I would own a franchise one day.

I worked my socks off and achieved a few awards, two of them were for the 100 club back-to-back. Then I thought it was time to go out on my own and purchase my franchise, which I did. James & Stewart were brilliant in the transition. It just flowed from an employee to a business owner. It was a bit daunting because now I was a business owner with zero experience, but I definitely wanted to do it.

I started from ZERO accounts again, as everyone does, but I was confident I would achieve the same outcome and more. No one said business is easy, but it is rewarding.

WO: What changes have you seen in both World Options and the sector in general since joining?

JD: When I purchased my franchise in January 2020, we all know what happened then in March 2020, Brexit, Covid, and multiple lockdowns after the 3rd lockdown. It was the end…It can be if you let it: I have worked too hard to get here, and I was not letting small things like Brexit and Coronavirus get in the way of my dreams.

The significant change I have seen since joining World Options is the MBE Worldwide family acquisition. I am not saying it will happen overnight, but I can see World Options being a powerhouse in the reseller carriage industry in a couple of years. It’s a great time to own a World Options franchise.

Constant improvements are going on behind the scenes, and in most parts, they listen to the franchisees, which is all you can ask, but ultimately, I am a business owner now. The buck starts and stops with me, with no excuses ever.

WO: What can we expect to see from your franchise in 2023?

JD: I am aiming for massive results this year: I have some big goals to achieve in 2023, and one is to build a solid foundation like Granite, then I am going to live and run my World Options franchise from Spain once my margin is at the desired chosen level.

world options franchisee john davis  in canada

WO: Would you like to share any advice in terms of finding leads, managing customers and staff, hitting business targets, and dealing with setbacks?

JD: I love knocking on doors. This is my chosen lead generation, It’s what I do. But since Covid-19, I have had to adapt and spend more time on the phone prospecting.  

Yellow pages are an excellent source for finding companies.

There needs to be a key to this business on how to sell. You just have to believe in yourself, have the right attitude, Focus on what you want, Set goals, Be likeable (people buy off people) and be available for customers no matter what, then repeat. 80% is Belief, 20% is a skill, and there's only one person to compete with you.  

When things are looking lousy, work harder. When things are getting on top, work harder. If you lose your full accounts, don't dwell on them. Just work harder, when you miss your goal, work harder. And no matter what happens, don't blame anyone except the person in the mirror.

WO: What is your favourite holiday?

JD: I don't have one. They have all been smashing. I like Spain a lot and other parts of Europe, especially the wine districts of France, but mainly I like all holidays that have sea, sun, sand, and cheap quality food and drink, rest, recuperation, what's not to like?

WO: What are your hobbies?

JD: Making Money. Seriously, once this is out of the way, I can focus on golf and other lazy past times. I once tried taking up Golf and got all the gear and things, but that was the end.

I used to play Snooker, and I was pretty good, but once I got into sales, that was the end, and I have never taken it up again.

When the business is reasonable, I may take up golf to relax in Spain.  

I would very much like to learn to fly a plane, which I have wanted to do for a while, and then maybe one day buy a small plane to tick it off my goal list.

When I have downtime, I enjoy going out for good food cooked by good chefs, attending concerts, travelling, and just not taking life so seriously because this is not a dress rehearsal. I try to enjoy life to the full, Play hard and play even harder.

john davis and wife

WO: Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?

JD: I don't have one influential person in my life; I have an army. Quite a few people have made a difference in my life to change direction and be the person I am today.  

I also read books and attend seminars of great development speakers and leaders in their fields, such as Anthony Robbins, who I saw whilst in Canada a full-on weekend with a fire walk at about 1 am, a magnificent experience. 

But they say behind every man is a good strong woman, so in my case, it's true. I have had the full backing of my wife in every adventure I have attempted without compromise. She is my rock. Cheesy, I know, but it's true!


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