Interview With Franchisees Ian And Fergus Davies
WO: Tell us about yourselves?
ID: Logistics is all we’ve really ever known as it’s been the family business for the last thirty-eight years. I started straight from school as a clerk in the traffic office and learned all aspects of the business before taking over from my father as Managing Director in 2000.
WO: How did you learn about the franchise opportunities that World Options offers?
FD: Ian was actively looking into ways to expand the business offering, outside of our traditional haulage, short notice, and ugly freight services. World Options was on a franchise website and the concept sounded good.
WO: What was it that attracted you to want to buy a World Options franchise?
FD: It was all about the carriers available and the non-geographic nature of the franchise. Our location meant any sort of post-code restriction didn’t really suit us so World Options was a perfect fit.
WO: How did you find the process of purchasing a World Options franchise to be like?
ID: The process was straightforward and all questions we had were answered by World Options.
WO: What can we expect to see from your franchise in the coming months?
FD: More growth. We’ve had some great reviews from happy customers this year which has really helped show prospective customers how World Options isn’t just about great rates, it’s great service too.
WO: Do you have any advice for someone looking to buy a World Options Franchise?
FD: Be prepared to knock on doors or pick up the phone. It takes time and effort to succeed, and World Options head office is there to help and support along the way.
ID: You’ve got to stick at it, success won’t come overnight
WO: What are your favourite holidays?
FD: Disneyland Paris, the Norfolk broads, and I live ten minutes walk from Weymouth beach which I love.
ID: I’ve been fortunate to follow the British Lions Rugby Union tours to New Zealand and Australia, as part of the Lions choir.
WO: Hobbies?
FD: I play Tennis, and have two young boys so I don’t have much time for anything else.
ID: My hobbies and interests include Freemasonry, singing, woodworking, and watching Rugby.
WO: Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?
FD: My wife Lucy, she’s the hardest working person I’ve ever met and is always so positive.
ID: My father was the most influential person as he had a great drive, determination and entrepreneurial spirit.