Izabela Drake

john and izabela drake

About Me

49 years old.

Born in Poland, from Bournemouth and based in Spain.

Joined World Options as a franchisee in 2014.


Tell Us A Little Bit About Yourself?

I love being in the sun, hence the move to Spain. I love travelling and experiencing new people and places. Before becoming a World Options franchisee I worked in the car insurance industry for nine years, mostly as a personal injury claims handler.

What Attracted You To Becoming A Franchisee?

My husband has always worked for himself, and we wanted a business where we could work together and get more time and freedom. I have always wanted to have my own business but I could never find something that was stable enough to give me the residual income that I was looking for.

When I first started looking into franchises, I dismissed many as most of them were selling average paid jobs. I kept searching and came across an advert for World Options. Myself and my husband met the company and decided it go for it.

What Training And Support Did You Receive Initially And Ongoing?

The company provided initial training at the company HQ and after that we had home visits from the franchisee support team who comes out with each franchisee to show them the ropes.

What Are The Benefits Of Working As A Franchisee?

I love being my own boss, and working with an established brand means we have received all the support and training that comes with that. In addition, it has provided us with a great income and enabled us to move and work from abroad.

What Challenges Have You Faced?

Shipping was unknown territory for us, and we lived in an area where the industrial side is very small. We had to get customers on the phone and learn as we went. It was challenging and hard at times - initially we were worried as we were not getting the results we wanted as quickly as we expected. However, the company was brilliant at offering motivation and support, and we managed to overcome the challenges and grow our franchise into a successful business.

What Advice Would You Give To Others Considering Becoming A Franchisee?

Be teachable and be prepared to work hard. If you have never worked for yourself, you have to employ yourself and make sure you don't spend all day procrastinating by organising your desk, for example, but actually working on your business.

Would You Have Any Advice For Others Who Are Considering Working For Themselves?

Choose an industry that you will enjoy working in, together with one that fits around your family life and complements your skill set.

izabela drake world options case study

Are you our next big success story?

Take matters into your own hands and request a call with Franchise Director Howard McCormick today!


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